NHK Easierイーシア

Press F to toggle furigana
Press D to toggle dictionary
Press S to toggle dark mode


NHK Easierイーシア provides content for people wishing to practice Japanese.

NHK News Web is the online newspaper edited by NHK (にっぽんほうそうきょうかい), Japan's public broadcasting company. News Web Easyイーシー is a version targeted at children with simpler words, kanji and sentence structures, and with furigana (仮名がな).

NHK Easierイーシア gathers content from News Web Easy and presents it in a way optimized for language learners:

Regarding the translations, NHK Easierイーシア relies on the EDICT Dictionary File and serves a subset optimized for each page.

NHK Easierイーシア is not affiliated with NHK.

The main feature of this website was inspired by a series of Web browser extensions called 10ten (previously Rikaikun/Rikaichan/Rikaichamp). You can use the extension to benefit from a quick-access Japanese dictionary working on any website!

If you prefer reading news directly on NHK News Web Easy, or regularly consult other website with furigana, install Furigana toggle (either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox) to hide them by default! You will be able to display them simply by hovering the kanji with your cursor. Alternatively, you can use the smartphone application Sync for NHK Easy News for offline reading.

As an addition to News Web Easy articles, you can also study NHK's introduction to Japanese for English speakers (also available in multiple languages).